• Voltage
    Variable 10 -30Vdc

    200mA @12Vdc - 120mA @ 24Vdc

    Rated for continuous use

    Strike locked
    Door position (reed switch)

    Holding force
    1000kg static strength rating

    Cycle tested to 1.5 million operations

    Suitable for 15mm latch bolt with 3mm door gap

    Stainless Steel

    Stainless Steel

    Operational temperature range -20ºC to +60ºC

    Refer to catalogue for STD Backset and Extended Backset dimensions.

    Specification Statement
    The strike should be constructed of stainless steel, have a minimum holding force of 1000kg and an endurance rating of 1.5 million cycles. Monitoring must include independent latch and solenoid monitoring. The strike shall have an integrated reed switch for door position monitoring and used in conjunction with Lockwood 3572MAGSC mortice lock.


  • ItemPart number
    ES2100 Multifunction Strike 10-30Vdc Standard Lip with Extension Lip Holes112100-000
    ES2100 Multifunction strike 10-30Vdc No Lip112100-010
    ES2100 Multifunction strike 10-30Vdc 8mm Lip112100-020
    Accessories - Lockwood 3572 Series Primary lock with magnet face plate3572MAGSC
    Accessories - Magnet face plate - suits Lockwood 3570 series mortice lockSP3570-2100SSS
    Accessories - Mounting Kit220200-519
    Accessories - 13mm Rebate Plate210100-541
    Accessories - 25mm Extension Lip (40.5mm total)220200-505
    Accessories - 50mm Extension Lip (65.5mm total)220200-506
    Accessories - 75mm Extension Lip (90.5mm total)220200-507
    Ordering Notes - When using integrated door position switch monitoring: Electric strikes are supplied with door magnet for cylindrical locksets only. Lockwood Mortice Locks and face plates are sold separately. All strikes are factory set to fail safe (PTL) configuration. Lock mode is easily set, post purchase, to fail secure (PTO) configuration, if required.

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